Sedative- hypnotics and barbiturates or barbiturate derivatives such as Nembutal and Seconal.Treatment Support available 24/7 Example of schedule 3 depressants may include: Schedule 3 Drug Types There are 6 basic drug types included under the current schedule 3 list and includes the salts, isomers and salts of such isomers whenever the existence of such salts, isomers and salts of such isomers is possible. Stimulants Stimulants listed under schedule 3 are those drugs that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system (CNS) unless otherwise excepted or listed in another schedule, such as cocaine, amphetamines, and methamphetamine which are listed under schedule 2. Mixtures, compounds, or preparations that contain schedule 2 stimulants or derivatives in combination with other non-controlled substances and typically containing a lesser quantity of the schedule 2 substance.Examples of schedule 3 stimulants can include: So, take a backup of your personal data before starting. QPST removes all data of your device during flashing process. If you don’t know how to use QPST Tool, then see the instruction. QPST Tool v2.7.447 can smoothly run on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. To check for the latest version, go here.

6.Wait for it to complete, disconnect your phone.Qpst Tool Versi 2.7.399 Rating: 4,6/5 6946 reviews 2.Click StartAll ApplicationQPSTQPST Configuration CLICK as below 3.StartAll ApplicationQPSTeMMC Software Download,Click “Load Build Contents” Select contents.xml in unrared W1-U00(C00)Repair bootloader.rar,Check 'Program Boot Loaders',UnCheck 'Program MMC device', Click Download 4.After complete, the port will change into Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 9006 5.Then Check Program boot loaders,Check Program MMC device,Select Qualcomm MMC port,Click Download again. ①DO NOT TAKE OUT BATTERY IN FOLLOWING STEPS!!! AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH POWER! ②COM Port Changes in device manager from:Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008→Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 9006→WP8 UFEI USB Simple I/O(UFEI USB Simple Windows Phone I/O Protocol) 1.Enter Qualcomm emergency mode: Stay power off,Use Line or metal connect these test point together as below: Then connect the phone to computer via USB and keep connecting the two test point until Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 appears in device manager-COM ,IF there is a question mark ,please manually install from qcomusbdriver folder.